Monday, September 17, 2007

Ron Paul is not afraid

Letter to Ann McFeatter, columnist, regarding her article
in the Toledo Blade on 9/16/07


Good morning, Ann!
I read your column in the Toledo Blade, Sunday 9/16/07,
regarding the GOP candidates. What a great article!

In the past, I have voted for whomever I thought was the
best at that time, not passionate about any of them,
other than being satisfied with my local Congressman.
I did vote for Bush...actually I have always voted Republican.
I learned in college what their platforms were, etc., etc., and
decided I was Republican. I still am. But I have voted
"Republican", not for "the man" running to fill the seat. I have
been increasingly disappointed with each election, and have
been voting out of responsibility, not desire. I wanted to
display to my children the importance of voting, and dutifully
took them with me to the polls. As the candidates began the
rumble of political mumbo-jumbo, I wondered, "Who am I
going to vote for this time?"

What am I looking for in a President? Strongly pro-life,
lower taxes, no-nonsense about immigration, cutting
government spending, and most importantly, have a
backbone to stand and fight for what he/she believes in.
I hadn't thought deeply about the war, although the whole
thing since the initial entry into Iraq bothered me, but I
figured, "Hey! They (the politicians) are the ones with all
the important information...that's what I voted for them to
do...I have other things on my mind, like raising four kids,
working, schooling, mowing grass, buying groceries,
the 'stuff of life'. "

But now I find myself reading, reading, reading...websites,
news articles, the Declaration of Independence,
the CONSTITUTION!!!! Watching speeches on Youtube,
watching the presidential debates, yelling at the TV!
Yes... my kids are definitely seeing that this is important
to me this time!

As I read your article, I agreed with so much of what
you said. You pegged them EXACTLY as I would...Mr. Romney
on social issues...Mr. Giuliani on New York 9/11, blah, blah...
Mr. Thompson's platitudes, etc. It was great.

However, a few of your statements I do not agree with.
You said, "Why hasn't one of them come up with a cogent
message that appeals to a wide spectrum of people?...the
other candidates are not viable enough to be heard."
I ask you, Have you studied Ron Paul? Now, don't dismiss
this in derision. I had not heard of Ron Paul until an
acquaintance of mine put a sticker in her car window a
few weeks ago. It was someone that I know to be an intelligent,
articulate, rational person, so I asked about him. Then I
started researching on my own.

Along with the above "research" of watching debates,
reading articles, etc., I have listened to some of Ron Paul's
speeches, and have read many of the things he has actually
said in Congress regarding various issues.
Ann, I don't know whether you are a Democrat or a
Republican (or neither!) but I urge you to check out Ron Paul
in a serious manner, in light of what you wrote in your article.
Maybe you won't agree with him, but at least you'll know
WHY you don't, and can give sound reasoning for it.

You said "they are afraid to be different." Ron Paul IS different.
He is NOT "afraid to rile the party base" (did you watch the
debates?). He is NOT afraid to "contradict" President Bush...
he states very loudly that Bush had no reason to go into
Iraq...that President Bush is fighting an illegal war. He has
never voted to increase taxes; he voted against the Patriot Act;
he has never voted to raise his pay;

The other Republican candidates ignore him, or are rude
(as in Giuliani's insane cackling during NH debate) because
he DOESN'T toe the current party line. He doesn't "wish to
offend none and be loved by all"...he is there to do the job
his constituents voted for him to do, plain and simple.

As I said above, I have been voting out of responsibility,
but now...I have found a candidate that I can believe in,
support, and hold up an as example to my children as a
great MAN, and a great LEADER. There is a saying
"power corrupts, and ultimate power corrupts ultimately".
In my opinion, the OTHER Republican candidates are
living proof of that, while Ron Paul stands alone,
unafraid to be different.

Have a wonderful day!
Teresa Collins :)
Hope for America

1 comment:

*~Tamara~* said...


Did she write back yet?